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360º Dome - HKU

Two weeks. That was all we had to come up, plan and create a project within the 360º Dome at HKU's location IBB. 

Guided by Job van Nuenen we explored the possibilities of this unique way to produce media. A detailed instruction on how the dome worked and some brainstorming sessions later, my journey in the dome started. And what a journey it was.

Duration: 2 weeks

Software: TouchDesigner

During this project I chose to work all by myself in order to be able to explore what style and types of work intrigue me in TouchDesigner. After having learned TouchDesigner for less than half a year, it appeared to be quite the struggle to translate my ideas into working visuals. 


Using tutorials and the great help of Job van Nuenen, I slowly started to see progress in the results I achieved. By using a Cube Map and Fish-Eye render I figured out how to easily work in real-time simulating the effect of the dome without having to actually be in the dome. This made it much easier to test what types of visuals worked well or not so well in the interesting setting of a dome. 

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